pcf 8574 interfacing with lcd usin uC

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how can we interface pcf 8574 with lcd usin uC
can u please help me out here..
i m using 4 bit mode lcd
cant find any program to go along n the working
how 2 start it..
Why don't you just interface the LCD directly to the micro?, it's a LOT easier. The pcf8574 has always struck me as a very strangely designed chip.
actually all my ports are full and i have no ports
left to interface it with anything.. so i need to
interface it with pcf 8574..
so any suggestions how to do it please.. i cant
find the working of it and the code of it please...
Why not use a second small micro-controller and use that to run the display, you could use a simple single pin to transfer serial data to it - rather than the two pins required by I2C.

Otherwise, write I2C routines, and learn to use them with the 8574, then learn how to drive an LCD from it, you're probably unlikely to find any existing code for it.
im using AT 89C51 only as my uC
its for robotics car.. i m tryin 2 make a
bosch implemented project/...
actually i have already got my designed approved
so i need to use a single uC for it..
so if any1 can help me through it..
i got the concept for clock n data line for
the ic.. but how to transfer the code for it in c..
i need help in tat..
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