Perfboard - Would you do any different from this?

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After an initial check with a breadboard and to get mechanical stability I am using the perfboard shown to properly test a circuit.

As far as I can, I run all the jumpers first and then I start to populate by sections in the order they will be tested.

Given the layout, would you do any different from what I do? I am basically asking if you think that it could be improved or what options you see, always using this kind of perfboard.

Gracias for any ideas.


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Sorry, but that's absolutely horrible - FAR too big, and FAR too many wire links.

I suggest you dump that rubbish board and get some proper veroboard instead.
I think the board is fine.
Sometimes big is better, makes for easy debugging of prototypes, not everything has to be made as small as possible.


PS, I also like the ladybird avatar.
I know it looks awful

My problem is that locally you only get that kind of perfboards.

Stripboard (veroboard?) as used by Nigel, I never could get one.

JUst one word: it is for testing.

THe final version will go in a common PCB.
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I occasionally do over sized prototype boards as a follow up to a breadboard layout.
It just for the exact reason of trouble shooting and refining if necessary.
For the practical application design then I compact as much as I can!

Yours may be big but it is very neat and clean on both sides of the board. I could live with it.
On the same board it could be batter done and indirect links avoided. Perhaps, after you do few more trials, you will get better ideas. Please keep in mind, less the joints,smaller and closer the layout even with perfboards, better the performance. As an additional example after seeing Nigle's boards, please see the FMTX MOD4 board of AudiGURU.
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I personally would have used perfboard with a single copper pad per hole, it makes hooking mulitple wires to a single spot a little more tricky butyou can always make a solder bridge between two pads if you need to all the extra routing connections you made are a waste of space. I use individual wires from a spool of Cat3 cable I have as connections, comes in 8 colours and it's easily strippable. Once the boards are done the back of the board looks like a rats nest (even if organized well) but works great.

You could probably build that same board in 1/6th of the space. Veroboard like Nigel suggested can be pretty useful.

If you limited to using that kind of perfboard then I would cut the size down by also using "dead bug"
or Manhattan style construction on top and bottom of the board to eliminate or replace most of the many jumpers For some excellent hints see:
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