Pet Feeder: I need help with the schematics

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New Member
I am trying to let my cat feed itself by approaching a box that has a door that will open and close but only on my cats approach and departure.
The idea is that i can leave it outside so that only my cat can use it and the manky skanky local stray stops eating her food. this way when i am away on business i can leave her enough food for a couple of days.

My thoughts so far, is to use rfid, as all cats have an unique 12 digit code rfid capusule, injected into them, and hence solving the problem, or the local stray eating her food.

The rfid inconjunction with two pressure pads, one at the entry, and one and the exit of the door.

The major problem i am facing is how i can get the door to open up automatically :
the following are some suggestions i came up with.
1)servo motor
2)step motor
3) and was tinkering with the idea of some sort of electro magnet.

What i am hoping for here is that some of you will know exactly what parts i will need, i don't mind googling about to learn how to build the thing i just need to know which items would be the most effective, ie should I be exploring servos or step motors.

Things to consider in the project.

1) Door must not close unexpectedly decapitating beloved cat
2) Door sensor should only react only to my cat (collar or tag)
3) door should close only on departure
4) the open close switch should be triggered by very low voltage
5) The whole circuit should not use more than 12 volts, as i am a newbie
6) open to the use of micro controller
so can anyone a provide a schemetic of a solution to the above problem,
note as i am a newbie, i have knowledge in transistors, opamps, micro controller, resistors, capacitors and inductors.
I have submitted a block diagram.
many thanks


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