Pet owners check this out. More EPA Bullsh.....

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I still don't think you'd fare very well if you drank from a stagnant pond or a mud puddle!
We are omnivores and can eat just about anything, cats and dogs are purely carnivorous and are restricted to meat. Our systems can digest both meat and vegitable matter.
I am not sure about that. I used to feed my dog broccoli, rice and chicken as prescribed by a vet. My dog loved this food for years, and she actually ate better than me. Eventually she died of old age.


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Apparently dogs can process plants, just not as well as meat. Sort of like an omnivore that can make do, but would make do better if the scale were tipped more towards meat. He might not have done so well without the chicken but it seems they can make do but you got to be careful just like with human vegans.

It seems cats absolutely need meat since they can't process plants at all.
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lol...some comments about vegan cats is funny:

"I tried talking with my cats recently about the political correctness of eating vegan. One bit me on the ass, and the other almost scratched my eyes out. Then I gave them a bloody mouse torso, and after dinner, they sat contentedly purring in my lap."

"Cats are predators. I've seen one "stalking" a piece of a hotdog, for goodness sake."

"I thought a vegan diet for a cat meant feeding the cat the flesh of a vegan. My bad."
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One big difference between dogs and humans aside from them being much more loyal is that a dog does not produce the hormone amylase in the saliva used in conjunction with the mechanical digestion of food. However; a dogs pancreas does produce many of the hormones needed to breakdown carbohydrates and plant material.

The vet I spoken with told me that it is a myth that dogs only eat meat. And she was the one who recommended a well balanced diet for my aging pooch.

My dog had diabetes and after diagnosis by the vet, I was told to put her on this diet of veggies rice and meat. I had to check her blood levels twice a day, and adjust food intake accordingly. I would also have to adjust her insulin shots based on the blood sugar readings. It was very difficult but I would have done anything for my dog as she was like family to me. After four years of this treatment, her little heart finally gave out and she passed in the night. I was bummed that I never got to say goodbye. Silly I guess, but she was my best buddy...
Animals dont actually just eat one or the other. Dogs eat grass, plants, and weeds and so do cats. In some instances when either has an upset stomach or is lacking minerals both will eat dirt and even small bits of coal and on occasion wood ashes!

The local vet that does work with my dads animals and the traveling pet vet both say its completely normal. Just not typically observed by most people.
Cats and dogs do eat small amounts of vegetables but it's often used to get rid of fur balls.

Cats need taurine which is only found in animal matter, without it, they go blind.

Feeding cats and dogs a vegetarian diet is animal abuse.

I'm not saying that you should feed them any vegetables, just that you shouldn't remove meat from their diet.
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