Phase Locking

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I need to phase lock a signal to another one. Which ic should i use. I will work on 60 Hz..Thanx for your help
Both signals 60 Hz? Logic voltage? (0 to 5 or 10V?) If so, I would consider a 4066 of one type or another.
Both signalsare 60 Hz but one is 5 V square the other is an ramp voltage about 2 Vpp

If you are going to lock them then presumably you have a method of controlling the phase of one. One way of locking them is to use a PLL, can you adjust the frequency of one source (i.e. a VCO)?

In general you need a phase detector, some form of error amplifier / filter / integrator fed back to adjust the phase / frequency of one source. Hard to say more until we know what you have.
I did not understand well that you said but i have two signals with 60 Hz...they are fixed in frequency. I want to start my ramp signal when when the square wave is positive edge triggered.I think phase locking can work for this..Any idea
I did not understand well that you said but i have two signals with 60 Hz...they are fixed in frequency. I want to start my ramp signal when when the square wave is positive edge triggered.I think phase locking can work for this..Any idea

So you want to generate a phase locked ramp from the square wave? If so why not simply feed the square wave into an integrator?
I did not understand well that you said but i have two signals with 60 Hz...they are fixed in frequency. I want to start my ramp signal when when the square wave is positive edge triggered.I think phase locking can work for this..Any idea
If you can provide a drawing of your input waveform, and the proposed output waveform, then we might be able to help.
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Here it is ..first one is my reference signal.. second (ramp) one is my input signal...I want it to start at the positive going edge of reference signal..
thank you


  • my wavforms.jpg
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Here it is ..first one is my reference signal.. second (ramp) one is my input signal...I want it to start at the positive going edge of reference signal..
thank you
Do both of those signals already exist, or do you have one and want to generate the other?
If they both exist, are they at exactly the same frequency? If so, what is their phase relationship?

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't look at your diagram closely before replying. I think it answers my questions.
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If you're trying to shift the image most graphics card software and monitors can do it. What are you trying to do exactly? Are you trying to genlock?
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