Phase sequence IC

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How about giving some details?, your question is pretty meaningless?.

Do you mean for identifying three phase mains?, how are we supposed to know what you mean?.
I want to know the phase sequence, for example if two phase are reversed, L1-L3-L2, light a led, and everything is ok L1-L2-L3 my led stay off
Use a flip-flop. Connect the clock to L2, and the input to L1. If the output is high, then it's L1-L2-L3, if low it's L1-L3-L2. (Obviously condition the signals so that they are compatible with the logic level flip-flop). If you add more flipflops in the same way, you can probably detect missing phases.
Is this mains?

You need to run this from step down transormers. Three cheep and nasty 1.2VA tranformers will work.
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