Photocell Getting Warm on 150W invertor

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Hello there everyone.
I am in need of some assistance please.

When my photocell is connected to my 240v 150 watt modified sine wave inverter the gray rectangle block seems to get warm within about 10 minutes although when I cover up the photocell it still switches on as it should do.
When I use our mains electric on the photocell it's stays cool and again works with no problems.
I have never left the photocell connected to the inverter encase it will damage it.

The photocell is only switching a 15 watt energy saving light bulb which works perfect on both slandered 240 and power from my inverter.

Just as a note I have tried a 75watt inverter that is also modified sine wave and it is the same with this.

What I want to know is, Is it safe to leave the photocell on this type of power or will it burn out.
Many thanks for your help
Regards Steve.

Picture of photocell included.


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Does it run cool on proper mains?, if so it's the non-sinewave that's making it get hot.
Does it run cool on proper mains?, if so it's the non-sinewave that's making it get hot.

Hello there Nigel Yes its cool when its on mains. It only gets warm when its been on for about 15 minutes but it seems to stay at a consistant temprature but I have never left it long enouth to find out.

Do you think it will damage it?
[Joke] I thought it would be a good way of keeping the frost off lol [/Joke]
Thanks again steve.

Edit: But why would it have this effect and is there away of stopping it?
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If it's getting hot it may well damage it, eventually if not in a short time.

It really depends on what is in the photocell circuit?, modified sinewave output is nothing like a sinewave, and just a crude slight improvement over a square wave.
Ok Nigel thank you for your help. Time to use a simpel timer thank you once again for your help.
Kind Regards Steve.
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