photodarlington interrupter switch

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Well-Known Member
this is supposed to de bounce the optical intrrupter switch but values for resistors and capacitors were not listed in schematic.
just took a stab at it.
simed in LT spice but creating switch bounce??
inputed a pwl with lots of different voltages (2-5v) with different rise times)
output is nice and square but right??
going to use for a wind direction sensor connected to an 18F452 PIC.
basically an up/down counter.
using two interrupter switches on one slotted wheel.


  • debounce.PNG
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The opto interrupter usually needs to have a pull up resistor. It also has an internal resistance.

Time frame is inconsistent. You are trying to simulate 100ms pulses through a 1ms filter over a period of 100s.

Most importantly, your stimulus pulses all occur at the same time!
still new at LT Spice. trying to simulate a bouncing input switch.. I tried a sine wave and it came out nice and square.
the schematic came off a web site I found. I know it may not be correct but saw basically same on more than one site.
I am just experimenting at this time.
If you got the simulation from more than one site, they are both wrong. You cannot have 4 pulses at the same time. (But I'm surprised that LTSpice doesn't throw an error.)

I tested with this stimulus: PULSE(0 3 10m 0 0 10m 30m 3)

I hope my hints will be helpful.
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