pic 12c508 flashing led

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New Member
hi guy i know this is a small job for you guys but it is a big job for me what i want to do is flash four led at the same time on four ports 2,3,6,7,at once a second i have been read for weeks on and off but getting nowhere so if somebody can write me a hex and yes i will pay for this, please can some one help me please thanks billyboy
pic12c508 is an otp device, wich means it can only be programmed once. It would be better to start working with pics with a flash device (16F628 for example) wich can be reprogrammed over and over again.

You will make a lot of mistakes when making software (everyone does) and this will mean a 12c508 in the garbage can every time you test someting.

if you really need a 8pin device, look at the 12F675. Its 8pin, but flash...

if you really want to stick to the 12c508 you should do a google search for 12c508 emulators. There are a couple of those out there wich use a 16F84 (flash device). You develop and test your software on this emulator and when your fully sure it works you can burn it into the 12c508
thank's for the reply, i do want to stick with the 12c508 the problem i can not write a program because it is doing my nut in so i have come to the turms with it ask the experts if thay will write a hex for me i will pay for this thanks billyboy
i have given the pinout 2,3,6,7 but what i have done wrong was i said it wanted to flash at once a second but really it wants to be twice a second, is this easy to change?
I hope this is what you want.
You can send the paymant to my paypal account ! :lol:



  • FLASH_395.zip
    211 bytes · Views: 890
hi i wonder if someone can help me, i would like to program a 12c508 with 4 outputs 1 input sw to change 8 led secuences (like the christmass lights) i wil pay for the hex, thanks.
The non flashable 'C' series as opposed to the 'F' flash series is used by the experts, those who have fully tested the code and application and concluded to never make any changes.

Do not use 'C' chip. Use the 12F683 because unlike the 675, you will not have to tune the oscillator one programmed over and over given no external clock is used. How did you even come to knowledge of the 12c508? Who lied to you?
I am new on this, i thought i could use the C series, can you make me a simple hex program? I would like the leds flashing, strobe, chase, Thanks.
You opened a 11 year old tread up.

But you wouldn't use a crystal with that chip.
Use the internal OSC
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