PIC 16F877A problems with the memory, programmer pickit 3

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Daniel Rengifo

New Member
someone can help me with that, i need to know what is the problema and the solution because i haven´t could debugger my PIC.

i make everything right, I have the compiler PICKIT 3 and i use the USB port for programmer, but when i am going to write in the PIC, i get that message, i don't know why? HELP MEEEEE!!!! thanks.


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Are you sure you have the ICSP circuitry connected peroperly? Could you show us your schematic and a photo of your setup? Having these might help us diagnose the problem.

Also, check your setup against this:

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That looks like a faulty wiring as DerStorm8 has pointed out, its obviously a common mistake, Check for any dry soldering and check every pin reach the PIC controller (continuity).
Also just check the voltage check box.... If its under 4.2 ( brownout) it will not work..
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