pic 16f88

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New Member
hello mates,
i am in a big trouble, i have a practical exam on wednesday and i have not been able to find out a solution to my case study. Well the question is as follows:
'You are the system developer for a small company who wants to upgrade their system security. They have looked at off the shelf security locks but what something unique. They want some kind of bio recognition, linked to a numeric keypad. Your system will receive a 32 bit binary number representing the individual’s thumb print. You need to compare this value against the keypad number entered. Currently there is no suggested length for the pin number although they currently have 27 employees.'

well i've tried to work it out and search for some solutions, but i am reching nowhere, and a pic 16f88 should be used in this ase study.
Neeteel35 PM'd me a couple of days ago and this is some additional information he sent me which he might well have included in his post since, as I already pointed out to him, his query is far to vague to really help with.

Ah ! that clarifies his query but it does not indicate how far he has got. Forum members are always keen to help but generaly reluctant (for obvious reasons) to do the project for whoever is asking the question. So, how far has neeteel35 got ?
hello everyone

i've come up with a small block diagram attached, i presume i'll go with this one, i'm working on the coding of the keypad.....hopefully it may work.
what is known is that the inputs are multiplexed signals from both keypad and finger print decoder.


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well gentlemen,
today is the final day, i have not been to find the solution, i mean the coding or even an approximate coding for this problem, but what i think is that there should be a database, when the the user enter his pin code (4 digit, 16 bits), the pic micro will open the memory related to these bits, and in the concern memory there is the data of the finger print which can be 4,8 or 16 bits depending on the multiplexer. Then the data is compared and if it matches the door open.....
Wish me good luck folks.....lol
thanks for your comments and help
merci beaucoup les amis
a bientot.
cheers mate, i have 6hrs left, if someone can give me some coding relating this case please

My friend is struggling for the last 3 months to do similar project. All what he achieved is to connect keypad and LCD, while you want to finish everything in six hours ?!!
I had this one a few months ago. They'd seen the up/down counter on my website. I've only put the HEX file for this project up there so this is what I got.

I declined to help
yea i havent give up the idea to pursue this project, finally i have been able to build up the code for the keypad, now i am off for the finger print decoder, but can anybody tell me how to store data in a memory location, how to fetch that data and compare it to the input. Am i right that the pin code can open a memory???
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