PIC ASM - Summation two 16 bit numbers (16f84)

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        movf    Num1L,W         ;
        addwf   Num2L,W         ;
        movwf   ResultL         ;
        movf    Num1H,W         ;
        skpnc                   ;
        incf    Num1H,W         ;
        addwf   Num2H,W         ;
        movwf   ResultH         ;
Try PicList BRo if u dont try to find it urself u cant learn anything about it babe and if u cant do that silly program so go and kill urself byrusber
Thank you very much

im new here and new to pic programming .. so couldnt knew where to search about this program

Do you mean "http://www.piclist.com" ?
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