pic based remote control sw.

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dear friend
i am new in pic project.
pls help me .
pic based IR remote controller
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Remember, PIC16F630 doesn't have any A/D converters, but 16F676 do have in both PORT A and C. So if you have used PIC16F676 instead of 16F630, then you should turn off A/D and initialize those ports as digital I/Os. For this, the ANSEL and CMCON registers must be initialized. Read the datasheet for more detail.

- Raj
Experiments with PIC16F628A
dear rajbex i am very new pic in microcon. so pl...... pl.....can u mod. it asm [tx-rx] ?
How can I send the modified files to you? I can't find a way to attach the files in this forum.

- Raj
Experiments with PIC16F628A
it should be simple the reply box has attachment button
if not select advanced mode then, it appears at the bottom
here is a file attached as sample
Of course, if there is administrative restriction of minimum number of posts to qualify attachments, it is a different case.


  • 62812809.asm
    586 bytes · Views: 249
Try these new hex files. The hardware should be the same. If it works, I will send you the modified assemble code.


  • IR_hex.zip
    2.4 KB · Views: 234
Try these new hex files. The hardware should be the same. If it works, I will send you the modified assemble code.
i will try it. HOW CAN OPEN [DS_STORE File]
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What does that mean? 'HOW CAN OPEN [DS_STORE File] '

- Raj
Experiments with PIC16F628A
dear sir
IR HEX have two File Folder ....{1}.__.MACOSX , {2} IR_hex
{1}__MACOSX have one File Folder ... {a} IR_hex
{a} IR_hex have one File Folder ..[A] ._.DS_Store ....it is....show type of folder.......DS_STORE File

{2} IR_hex have two File Folder.....[A] .DS_Store , ir_rx_new.hex & [C] ir_tx_new.hex .
[A] .DS_Store ....it is....show type of folder.......DS_STORE File.

so again my que. DS_STORE File. hwo can open it.
Sorry, something has gone wrong. I compressed the folder on a MAC computer, so you might be having trouble in decompressing. Actually, that folder should have only two hex files: ir_tx_new.hex and ir_rx_new.hex. I have assembly files at home. I will send them in the evening.

- Raj
Experiments with PIC16F628A
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