PIC C mikro C

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mikro is a software where you can write to control the microcontroller using C language. it is more easy than writing an ASM code which is more complicated.

i donno what PIC C is tho.
probably he meant c18. if you're just starting out on PICs you should start on assembly language, it'll help you understand better.
Here's for you to get started WinPicProg Page
probably he meant c18. if you're just starting out on PICs you should start on assembly language, it'll help you understand better.
Here's for you to get started WinPicProg Page

I would say first learn to write programs in general. Perhaps on a PC.
Well he mentioned PIC in the first post. But I agree, C++ is the best for beginners to start understanding programming.
Well he mentioned PIC in the first post. But I agree, C++ is the best for beginners to start understanding programming.

Did anyone mention C++? - I certainly wouldn't suggest it's the best language for beginners to learn, BASIC or Pascal are better suited to learning, particularly Pascal which is why it used to be the language of choice for programming courses.

From a modern usefulness point of view, C (and varients) is certainly the way to go, as it's likely to be the language you use most professionally, but that doesn't mean it's easy to learn.
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