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New Member
hello all,

i am new to practical field...

i have little bit knowledge of MCU ATMEL series..
now i am interested to work with PIC MCU...

can any one suggest me the tutorial site for PIC MCUs....??
i have heard, the programming language (assembly)used for PIC is different from other MCU.. isi t true??
Try Nigel's tutorial it's good stuff
This is also a good link with very good detailes for every instruction **broken link removed**
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OY2L said:
Try Nigel's tutorial it's good stuff
This is also a good link with very good detailes for every instruction **broken link removed**

Thank you so much OY2L...

can any one tell me the link for simulator, emulator and code editor for PIC....???
Thank you OY2L....

these are nice sites....

how can i get some more detail on programming side in PIC...??
THE_ONE said:
Thank you so much OY2L...

can any one tell me the link for simulator, emulator and code editor for PIC....???
try to dowload for free MPLAB from www.microchip.com

this will help you mange PICs to write software etc,
the programming of the PIC chips can be done by purchasing an USB based programmer like PICKIT2 or JUNEBUG (from **broken link removed**), the later I have and works fine. You will see umkeen programmers and settle for once and for ever , no less than USB type.

emulation or IDE/Tutor is built in JUNEBUG.
Regarding software simulator, mplab has one built in.
another is PICsimulatorIDE at www.oshonsoft.com
this also is good
All the best
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