PIC Display problem

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New Member
I've just recently started experimenting with PIC microcontrollers (using the PIC18F2410), and I've gotten to where I cant make it do/say whatever I want on a 16x2 character display. So I went out and bought a -BLUE128x64LCD- 128 x 64 Blue Graphic LCD Display- and tried to hook it up to my PIC in the same fashion as the 16x2 char display- to absolutely no results. I just need someone to point me in the right direction: Do I need a completely different code? Does it still use C Code? I realize this is a noob question, but any help will be much appreciated.
GLCDs speak a totally different lingo to the standard character LCDs.

Your best bet is to google the datasheet for your LCD controller and adapt your code to suit.
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