PIC for MacBook Pro

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New Member
Does anyone know of a good PIC setup that is a good match for Mac laptop? I have researched a few things, but I would rather get some advice from the guys that have experience, and some do's and don'ts, will work, won't work.

Or an emulator, that was suggested by Blueroomelectronics, so that I can use a more mainstream PIC.

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as there are many more pic programs on windows platform, I would suggest you to buy a windoze emulator (parallel or vmware fusion) and install windows programs on them...
there are some (few) native mac programs, but dont expect great things...
the best may be in my mind the like-arduino project in java. but works only with an adapted programing card: the penguino. see more here : HackingLab
virtualbox works nice, usb forwarding works ok so you can program/debug from it too .. virtualbox is free so you only need windoze licence.
I'm using Windows XP under WMware Fusion. Macbook with Leopard. Works well with a Junebug connected to the USB. MPlab looks awful old, ugly and win 3.x-ish compared to OS X, but that's another story.
or you could just dual boot and use windows (bootcamp) thats what I do its kind of a pain to have to reboot but all my programming classes and such use windows so I use it to to make things easier.
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