PIC functionality...????

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New Member
I have a doubt on the PIC funtionality not the technical but regarding the performance..

I have lost number PIC microcontrollers when i tried to pull them back from the ckt...
Later i found the mistake was, power was still supplied to some of the pins when i tried to pull them back....
Y i get lost...???? Wat s the exact reason can anyone clear my doubt plz..??
I didn't meet any problems like that.And the performance is superb.If you are using the correct VDD then its all ok.

If happens why cant you remove the power & try to pull them back?
What is a ckt? (Socket?) If you can't put in some effort to post a decent question don't expect anyone putting effort in to post a decent answer...
(btw. I do understand that English might not be your first language, it's not mine either..maybe I am just miss understanding you..)
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Ckt is common shorthand for "circuit". But it is better to take the time to spell things out here, yes.


Hi there! Welcome to the forum.

You have to define "lost". In what way were the chips non-functional?

Remove power from the circuit before you start removing or adding things.

Check your bypass caps. Perhaps they are oversized and you are pulling the chips before the caps have discharged.

Just a few thoughts.

Removing ICs of any description with the power on is a very good way of turning them into useless black boxes.

Removing ICs of any description with the power on is a very good way of turning them into useless black boxes.


... and the other way around, inserting them with the power on might let the magic smoke come out of the box...
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