Pic help

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Can someone now assist me with my project code. I have had a quick look at picbasic pro and the A/D conversion for the potentiometer to leds looks very straightforward but how can i set the input rudder positions using a button like in my shop bought unit. I need to set my pot at a centre position and save the reading then the same for the full starboard and full port positions. Normally in basic i would save the positions in variables and then use these settings to operate my leds. Can somebody give me a example of how this would be achieved in picbasic pro so i can look how it is done.

I dont use picbasic, but I could prepare a program sequence using Oshonsoft Basic if that would help.

EDIT: did you decide to use the 16F88 ?
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hi again, I have not really decided yet on which software to use or which pic, as i said i am completely new to working with pics so have only read what i have located on the net and picbasic pro was one of the best articles i found. The pic can be any that will suffice, it is only that it is used in the unit i have so assume it will meet my criteria. I have not really looked into the different pic's available but will probably have to decide on one for general use so that i can get some ordered for playing around with.
I have just looked on the oshosoft website and there are various free downloads of there software and also the licence prices are very good, which one do you use ?
I have just looked on the oshosoft website and there are various free downloads of there software and also the licence prices are very good, which one do you use ?

I have the full set for 10/16/18 PIC's, AVR, USB extended Basic Maths.

The 16F or 18F would be a good starting package.
Hi thanks for the info, if i buy the PIC Simulator IDE personal license can i only install on one pc (my laptop) or can it be installed on my desktop also ?. When i get this software what hardware would you recommend so that i can program the pic's and also a reasonable priced development board. There are some currently some development boards for sale on Ebay that come out of China that seem to do everything and at reasonable prices with free delivery. Some of the specs on these boards do not make a lot of sense to me at the moment so do not know if they are what i need for development and testing, here is the link to one **broken link removed**
As I am the sole user, I have the Oshonsoft in my desktop and laptop.

I would suggest you decide on a PIC type before getting a development board.

The Junebug kit [in built prommer] using the 18F series is a good buy and is well supported uses a 18F1320 as the target PIC.
The 18F1320 is also supported by Oshonsoft.

For experimentation I would suggest a Project bread board, this enables you to configure projects using the same components many times.

I've just started a look see at the rudder indicator Basic program, let me know when you decide on the PIC type, if required I'll give you a hand.
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Hi Eric, is the 18F1320 a suitable pic for using on my rudder project, if so i will source the parts you suggest and then i can make a start as soon as possible. I have a couple of breadboards that i use for other things, i see there are some project boards available specifically made for pics that have the breadboard included is this what you mean or do you simply mean a standalone breadboard.
Just to let you all know i received my junebug (real quick also, thanks). Now i need to know where to go from here, i downloaded the recommended software as stated in the junebug leaflet but dont really know what to do now. When i connect to the pc i do not get a flashing led sequence as i have read from other posts. Being completely new to this can somebody tell me where i can find good starting instructions for the junebug using the tutor etc. A couple of step by step instructions just to get me familiar and started would be great if anyone knows of some posted somewhere.
Do you want to learn programming or try to read the 16f88 first?
The program pins for both the 16f88 and 18f1320 are the same. The Firefly schematic has a 16f88 and the schematic will show the programming pinout. You need power, RB6, RB7 & MCLR
The PICKit2 standalone software is ideal for simply reading the hex file from a target PIC. Also JPUG might give you some pointers and of course these forums are great.
Hi Bill, thanks for the post. I am already conversant with some programming, mainly basic and plc ladder so hope i can pick this up quickly. Basically i want to know what i can do with the pic chips so that i can use them in my work. I have the junebug and now various software packages and wish to start looking at what the junebug can do with the tutor part so that i can understand what is happening, once i have a beginners understanding of the junebug i will hopefully be able to start using pic's in my applications. I downloaded the swordfish basic but cannot find the picbasic command prompt so at the moment i am unable to try it. I have downloaded the trial version of oshonsoft and a junebug add-on that will enable me to play around with the junebug without actually connecting one up. Like i said i have all this and now need a starting point to get me going !!.
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