PIC IDC header substitute/clone for PICkit 2 etc

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Hi I wish to debug PIC12F683/PIC10F206/PIC16f684, which require a header part ICD Header, AC162059 etc which are quite expensive.

Does anyone have any information for clone or alternatives which enable debugging the various chips that need header connectors?
I normally develop the code on a bigger chip like the 16F88 and then port it to the smaller chip.

You can do things like,
	#ifdef	__16F88
	#include	<p16f88.inc>
	__config  _CONFIG2, _IESO_OFF & _FCMEN_OFF

	#ifdef	__12F683
	#include	<p12F683.inc>
and further on on the code,
	#ifdef	__16F88
		movlw	B'01110000'	;select 8MHz clock
		movwf	OSCCON
		clrf	ANSEL		;no ADCs
So that you only have to select the device and the assembler will assemble the right code.

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