PIC Input Wire Length

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Active Member
I have a problem with this arrangement.
The switch is placed 15M ahead. I used a CAT5 cable. The problem is sometimes it will make the PIC input low without pressing the switch.

Any other method to overcome this?


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I have a problem with this arrangement.
The switch is placed 15M ahead. I used a CAT5 cable. The problem is sometimes it will make the PIC input low without pressing the switch.

Any other method to overcome this?

Use a 1K resistor in place of the 10K.
Add a capacitor on the input of the PIC, or a debounce routine in the program.
You need to add a resistor (10k to 100k) across the 1u to make sure it discharges. You don't really need the transistor. Just use a 1k to 10k and 1u in parallel.
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