PIC is the "list" directive nessary?

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Well-Known Member
I was going through Microchips PICkit 2 low pin count demo board manual examples and none include the list directive ususally found at the beginning of an .asm program. Is it "old hat" and should be dropped or still considered good programming practice?
Don't use it then.

I really don't see how removing a function improves things. Maybe you do.

I have never used it. I don't know what it does. I just can't see how removing it improves anything.

Pommie said:
I have never used it. I don't know what it does. I just can't see how removing it improves anything.

Presumably it 'improves' the space on your HDD, doesn't it just create an LST file? - which I've certainly never had occasion to use for anything.
I've found a link (rather nicely done too) on the MPASM directives including LIST
**broken link removed**
It appears to set up your editors formatting an radix type.
Why not just look in the MPLAB helpfile?

I've posted it over on the Microchip forums, best I can figure use it if you have a specific use for it. I'll drop it from my programming examples.

Nigel, could I use and rewrite your tutorials for the Junebugs 18F1320? I was putting together some of the "book" and wanted to begin with 18F tutorials. Although some of your tutorials would not apply to Junebug (eg LCD) the majority could be adapted. Of course you'll have final edit / say on them and your name attached as the original author I'm the reimagined author like Battlestar Galactica
An advantage of using the LIST directive might be that the assembler generates a warning if the device you select in the configuration dialog does not match the one you specify within the code.
Without the LIST directive, if you accidentally select a wrong processor, the code might compile nicely with a wrong include file (wrong register definitions).

That's a good reason to keep it, beginners get frustrated when everything seems okey dokey and nothing works. I'll leave it there just to keep the error.
Just checked my latest project and I have a list directive. I don't see how it helps though. If I have "list p=16F88" and then include <16F886.inc> I will not get an error.

However, I still state that removing a function is not good.

blueroomelectronics said:
Nigel, could I use and rewrite your tutorials for the Junebugs 18F1320? I was putting together some of the "book" and wanted to begin with 18F tutorials.

That's fine, I hereby give you permission (in front of many witnesses) to rewrite my tutorials as you see fit for any of your tutorials, or indeed use any parts 'as is' if you have the occasion to.

Nigel Goodwin.
Nigel Goodwin said:
That's fine, I hereby give you permission (in front of many witnesses) to rewrite my tutorials as you see fit for any of your tutorials, or indeed use any parts 'as is' if you have the occasion to.

Nigel Goodwin.

Can he use labels instead of hex values?

Pommie said:
Can he use labels instead of hex values?

He's perfectly free to do so, I used hex values because it was for a specific fixed hardware, and it's much simpler.
Nigel Goodwin said:
That's fine, I hereby give you permission (in front of many witnesses) to rewrite my tutorials as you see fit for any of your tutorials, or indeed use any parts 'as is' if you have the occasion to.

Nigel Goodwin.

Thank you.
Please update Nigel's 4x4 Keypad tutorial before you use it to avoid the one minor flaw of using 4 pins as outputs at the same time without four diodes in the matrix.

If it helps by example, here's my simple alternative (below) which uses TRIS for only one active output. It uses a key state latch so you don't have to wait for a key to be released and it also features (1) switch press beep, and (2) repeat key capability. The Keypad pinout is also inline which matches most of the keypad connectors I've come across but the program only requires a minor change to scan Nigel's Keypad board with reversed RB0..RB3 polarity.

;*                                                                *
;*  GetKey, a blocking type subroutine, waits for key press and   *
;*  returns a character in WREG from the keypad "map" table       *
;*                                                                *
        radix   dec
        DelayMS(16)             ; delay 16 msecs between scans    |B0
        call    ScanPad         ; scan the keypad                 |B0
        bz      GetKey          ; a new press? no, branch, else   |B0

        bsf     Beep,4          ; prep for 16 msec beep           |B0
DoBeep  movf    PORTA,W         ; read port A                     |B0
        xorlw   1<<Spkr         ; toggle speaker bit              |B0
        movwf   PORTA           ; toggle speaker pin              |B0
        DelayCy(Clock/4*1000-6) ; delay 1000 us for 500 Hz tone   |B0
        decfsz  Beep,F          ; done?  yes, skip, else          |B0
        goto    DoBeep          ; loop (toggle Spkr pin again)    |B0

        movlw   high(Map-128)   ; table address hi -128           |B0
        movwf   PCLATH          ;                                 |B0
        movlw   low(Map-128)    ; table address lo -128           |B0
        addwf   Keylat,W        ; add key latch (80..8F)          |B0
        skpnc                   ; carry? no, skip, else           |B0
        incf    PCLATH,F        ; bump PCLATH                     |B0
        movwf   PCL             ; return with map table char      |B0
Map     dt      '0','1','2','3' ; row 0 map                       |B0
        dt      '4','5','6','7' ; row 1 map                       |B0
        dt      '8','9','A','B' ; row 2 map                       |B0
        dt      'C','D','E','F' ; row 3 map                       |B0
;*                                                                *
;*  ScanPad, 4x4 Keypad              Mike McLaren, K8LH, Nov '07  *
;*                                                                *
;*      RB3 RB2 RB1 RB0      <> requires PORTB weak pull-ups      *
;*  RB4 [0] [1] [2] [3]      <> returns Z=0 for a "new" key only  *
;*  RB5 [4] [5] [6] [7]      <> returns Z=1 when no keys pressed  *
;*  RB6 [8] [9] [A] [b]         or if same key is still pressed   *
;*  RB7 [C] [D] [E] [F]      <> isochronous (77 cycles per call)  *
;*                                                                *
;*  the Keylat key state latch contains pressed key value 80..8F  *
;*  or 0 (no key pressed).  clear Keylat after getting a new key  *
;*  from ScanPad for "repeat key" operation (see example).        *
;*                                                                *
;*  26 words, 77 instruction cycles (isochronous)                 *
;*                                                                *
        movlw   TRISB           ; address of TRISB in bank 1      |B0
        movwf   FSR             ; setup indirect access           |B0
        movlw   b'11110111'     ; setup column 0 (RB3) as output  |B0
        movwf   INDF            ; pseudo "movwf TRISB"            |B0
        clrf    Column          ; set keypad column offset = 0    |B0
        movlw   0               ; clear W                         |B0
        setc                    ; must shift 1 bits into TRISB    |B0
        clrf    PORTB           ; set column pin low and Z=1      |B0
        btfss   PORTB,4         ; row 0 press? no, skip, else     |B0
        iorlw   0x80            ; indicate key 0, 1, 2, or 3      |B0
        btfss   PORTB,5         ; row 1 press? no, skip, else     |B0
        iorlw   0x84            ; indicate key 4, 5, 6, or 7      |B0
        btfss   PORTB,6         ; row 2 press? no, skip, else     |B0
        iorlw   0x88            ; indicate key 8, 9, A, or B      |B0
        btfss   PORTB,7         ; row 3 press? no, skip, else     |B0
        iorlw   0x8C            ; indicate key C, D, E, or F      |B0
        skpz                    ; key press? no, skip, else       |B0
        iorwf   Column,W        ; W = 80,84,88,or 8C + Column     |B0
        incf    Column,F        ; increment column offset, 0..3   |B0
        rrf     INDF,F          ; setup TRISB for next column     |B0
        skpnc                   ; are we done? yes, skip, else    |B0
        goto    ScanCol         ; scan the next column            |B0
        xorwf   Keylat,W        ; same as last key state latch?   |B0
        skpz                    ; yes, skip with Z=1, else        |B0
        xorwf   Keylat,F        ; update key state latch          |B0
        return                  ; Z=0 only for a "new" key press  |B0

;  example "repeat key" operation
        call    GetKey          ; wait for key press
        xorlw   '+'             ; the '+' key?
        bnz     ChkDec          ; no, branch, else
        call    IncFunc         ; do increment function
        DelayMS(d'500')         ; wait 500 msecs
        clrf    Keylat          ; clear latch (allow repeat)
        goto    SetClock        ; check keypad
        xorlw   '-'^'+'         ; the '-' key?
        bnz     ChkNxt          ; no, branch, else
        call    DecFunc         ; do decrement function
        DelayMS(d'500')         ; wait 500 msecs
        clrf    Keylat          ; clear latch (allow repeat)
        goto    SetClock        ; check keypad
        xorlw   '>'^'-'         ; the '>' key?
        bnz     ChkSet          ; no, branch, else
        call    NxtGrp          ; advance to next digit group
        goto    SetClock        ; check keypad
        xorlw   'S'^'>'         ; the 'S' (Set) key?
        bnz     SetClock        ; no, branch, else
Update                          ; update Clock, exit Set mode
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Pommie said:
If I have "list p=16F88" and then include <16F886.inc> I will not get an error.
That's not the case I've described. Suppose that you're writing a program for the PIC16F88, but you've accidentally selected another processor when creating the project with the wizard or with the configuration dialog (Configuration->Select device...).
If you use the LIST directive:
    list p=16f88
    include "p16F88.inc"
you'll get a warning:

Warning[215] Processor superseded by command line. Verify processor symbol.

If you don't use the LIST directive, the code will compile for the wrong PIC (or the correct PIC - if you've selected it voluntarily - with the wrong include file) and you won't get any warning AFAIK.
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Well I'll use Nigels tutorials, update them for the 18F series PICs and get them running on the various kits I sell. Starting with the Junebug (lights , switches, A/D, PWM and EUSART), Unicorn (LCD, GLCD, matrix keypads I2C and maybe USB and or RS485) and the Dragonfly with a 18F2525 (seven segment display muxing, A/D, TMR1 OSC, simple keypad scanning and RS485)
It's all going in the book.
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