PIC Micro and Power Window Motor. Help Me !

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New Member
Assalamualaikum to All !

Well I need suggestions from you people to clear mine some confusion. I want to interface a POWER WINDOWS MOTOR with PIC 18F452. It's bi-directional Control with Speed Control off course.

But I really do not know about Power Windows Motor (just know it's a brushed DC Motor). Need answers of few questions from you people.

* What's the configuration of this motors e.g. how many wire connections?

* What will be the suitable electronics for it's driving? Some IC or H-Bridge?

* Which IC or H-Bridge?

* What will be the best logic to control the motor as I am controlling the motor by Serial Interfacing?

* And at last....I wana control 2 motors from single chip.

ThanX in advance.
Any h-bridge suitable for 10 amps should drive that motor.

Just be aware that the power window motors get very hot if you run them for more than a minute. They normally only run for a few seconds.
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