pic microcontroller project

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i am working on a project using pic16f88 micro. the program is suppose to receive an analog signal on RA4 pin and then display the AD result on a lcd module. there are three program segments.
the first module to configure and initialize the lcd module which is tested independently as functional.

the second module configures the AD converter of the pic which is not tested previously.

the third module which converts binary AD result into bcd, and this module is tested beforehand.

the integrated code which incorporate all the three modules is not working. also i am not sure about the internal oscillator selection code which resides at the beginning of the program.

pins RA<7:6> i.e pin no 15 and 16 are grounded through a resistor and showing nearly 5v on DVM. all other unused pins as well are grounded through a resistor.

the code is enclosed here.


  • CODE_integrate_MODULES.ASM
    15.7 KB · Views: 161
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