I've heard of PICs used in...
the system opening subway cars' doors, washing machines and some domestic appliances as well, (besides my own thermometric data collector for 8, 16, 24 or 32 sensors)
I've read all coments regarding how easy is to learn with less instructions to what I basically agree.
But the next point to consider is how much faster you can proceed, when you mastered the whole set and with a ready made instruction you do the same than with probably three or four of those from a RISC like PICs.
My start was with the Z80. Nice instruction set! Powerful indeed.
Next the 8052 (Basic or assembler). Same comment applies.
But, I am in the PIC trend for long time now.
In the beginning I used to take preferences seriously and argued to prove how right I was in my choices. But life, personal economic reality, where you are located in this small big globe and unexpected variables dictates what are your options (if any) to make a choice from them.
To a certain point is more or less like with girls. Usually you choose from what is available around in the "local market". Feelings appear later. Like it or not, I think it's like that.
And keep in mind this: if mothers in law are a concern, every girl in normal circumstances has one behind her. The worst of PICs is the Picstart Plus programmer. With WIN 98 SE it takes up to 5 (five) minutes to program 300 lines of code in a 16F877!.
Fred Eady's parallel programmer does it in 31 seconds, exactly. A pitty is that it's not supporting newer PICs.
This forum is nice!
Agustín Tomás