pic oscilloscope

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New Member
hi! i am trying to make an oscilloscope with my pic. I want to use it to measure short signals (about 0.1ms - 2ms). however. i don't know can i suppose to show it long enough. The signals could be irregular. If i set the time/div to be long, the signal would appear almost a line, if i set the time/div to be short, the signal would be too fast to be seen.

please help!
You need to syncronise it, just like a real scope - wait for the event to occur, and then record and store it.
Use the CCP on the PIC, when it triggers a CCP interrupt, output the value via the RS232 port.

The PC can do the rest of the timings etc
thanks for the replies. however, the question that troubles me is like, how do i show a non-periodic RF signal on a oscillscope. wouldn't the time/div has to be set longer? but the signal will appear to cramp together won't it?
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