PIC Pascal compiler

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New Member
Does anyone know of an existing Pascal compiler for pic 16F mcu's that is free or close to free?
The ones you can buy are just too expensive, especially at the R-$ exchange.

the only one I know is MikroPascal ... demo version will allow you compile but with some limit in size (I do not remember what the limit is .. but there is some limit in code size I believe 2K)

you can get the demo version mikroPascal - Advanced Pascal compiler for PIC microcontrollers .. it is fully functional except - that code size limit for demo version ... I use C compiler from them and I'm pretty sattisfied .. and price is ok imho ... 99$ is ~60E .. that's peanuts .. compared to other prices I saw (althoe, I was not looking the pascal but only C compilers)

some important issues about mikroe compilers (all of them):
- they do not integrate with mplab
- they do not support microchip mplab style debugging (ICD or how the mchip is calling it) so if you want to debug you have to get hw from mikroE also (easypic or something like that) - you cannot use junebug or pickit2 to debug code written in mikroE pascal
- there is no source of any library, all libraries are closed source

As for the "free" ones ... the first hit on the google for "pic pascal compiler"
**broken link removed**
I'm aware of the mikroelektronika unit out there, some people using it says it's great.
It will set me back R800 in SA, that's almost two tanks of fuel for my 1.6 Ikon these days.
Maybe one day I'll have some cash relief and get it.
Has anyone used the pas2pic software before, just to know whether I'm going to waste my time or not.
I have the pickit2 device which also allows ICD on certain chips. This pascal compiler does'nt like it very much.

I heard many many good words about JAL ... never looked at it (what can I say, I'm C junky) .. but you will find many examples in JAL and people really say it is easy to work with
The Pas2PIC creator have stopped development on this software, he believe the 14-bit mcu's are becoming obsolete.
I have downloaded PMP - will have a look at it sometime, limited mcu support could be a problem, but I'm sure if one can identify the pattern in their include files, one can easily generate one's own chip files.
Must still look at JAL
I had a look at the PMP software, it looks reasonable, it does make use of the mplab linker, etc. Also makes use of the microchip include files for mcu's, novel idea getting past having to redo all those files in a pascal like language.
The ide looks rather neat and relatively easy to understand, there is a pdf included outlining some basics, that's a great help to get going.
I think the guy that's put this together, I get a delphi feel to the ide, has done a great job, there is still some work, he admits it, but it looks a viable alternative for pascal programmers to code for the PIC mcu.
And he provides it free of charge, what a guy.
Oh, currently only supports PIC16X mcu's, but wants to add 18X capability.

Thanks for your comments about PMP.

There is now an alpha version that supports PIC18 and floating point.

PMP is user supported. Alpha and beta testers are welcome.


PMP team leader
Hi Phillipe.

that's great.
I'll download it sometime, but do not have any 18F's to check it out with.
Will try get hold of one some time.
Good to see you following up on a good program.
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