PIC Pin power

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New Member
I know that each pin can't handle a lot but would I be able to get away with driving a 5mm red LED and a transistor from one pic pin?
I know that each pin can't handle a lot but would I be able to get away with driving a 5mm red LED and a transistor from one pic pin?

hi Gator,
The PIC is rated to source up to approx 20mA on a output pin.

If you assumed that the RED led had a Vdrop of 2v, then thats 3V/0.01= 300R for 10mA thru the led.
This leaves about 10mA for the transistor base resistor.

Connect the LED + resistor in series with the base of the transistor, then the LED current also drives the transistor.

Something like the schematic in this document show.

**broken link removed**
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