hi C,
Have you tried converting readings from the BMP280 to Pa.?
For ref only, this is the fiddling I had to do with Oshonsoft when I used the BMP180.
It is a I2C reading method.
I2CWrite sda, scl, 0xee, 0xf4, 0x34
WaitMs 5
I2CRead sda, scl, 0xef, 0xf6, ph, pm, pl
presraw = ph * 256 + pm
'cal the pressure
b6 = b5 - 4000
b62 = b6 * b6 / 4096
x1 = (b2 * b62) / 4096
x2 = ac2s * b6 / 2048
x3 = x1 + x2
b3 = ((ac1 * 4 + x3) + 2) / 4
x1 = ac3s * b6 / 8192
x2 = (b1 * b62) / 65536
x3 = ((x1 + x2) + 2) / 4
b4 = ac4 * (x3 + 32768) / 32768
b7 = (presraw - b3) * 50000
pp = (b7 / b4) * 2
''pp = (b7 * 2) / 4
x1 = (pp / 256) * (pp / 256)
x1 = (x1 * 3038) / 66536
x2 = (-7357 * pp) / 65536
pps = pp + (x1 + x2 + 3791) / 16
pps = pps / 10
b2aval = pps
Gosub bin2asc
Lcdcmdout LcdLine3Home
Lcdout "P1 ", ascbfr4, ascbfr3, ascbfr2, ascbfr1, ".", ascbfr0, "mb"
Hserout "P1 ", ascbfr4, ascbfr3, ascbfr2, ascbfr1, ".", ascbfr0, "mb", CrLf
Hserout CrLf