Pic problems w/16f84a (Nigel?)

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New Member
Been trying to load a chip for several days now and happened upon this site. The original hex/asm I have ,interestingly enough, was written by Nigel Goodwin in 1998. It's for a Stuart PI MP metal detector. The hex was written for a 16c84. I have a 16F84A. I built the circuit and while I haven't yet been able to use it, it sure does look good as a paperweight. ;-)
I have no knowledge of PIC language but I do have a "willem" enhanced eeprom burner. I've tried to load the chip but apparently all I did was load the configuration bits. CP is showing off when I read the chip and all I get is "Generated by WinDis84, (c) Nigel Goodwin 1998.

include "P16CXX.inc"

along with lots of 3FFF's.

After scouring the web for any info, I did come across this .asm file from somewhere which appears to be in Danish maybe. I'm fairly sure this was written for the same detector and appears to be specifically for a F84A.
I tried asm it with MPASM but got 3 fatal errors.

Error[132] C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\PI_PIC\STUART\MPL6\PI84A.ASM 1 : Unknown processor (16F84A)
Error[125] C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\PI_PIC\STUART\MPL6\PI84A.ASM 2 : Illegal condition (EOF encountered before END or conditional end directive)
Error[131] C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\PI_PIC\STUART\MPL6\PI84A.ASM 2 : Processor type is undefined

Any help would be unimagineablely appreciated!!
I'm also attaching file. In txt format.
Thanks ,Chilly ;-)


  • stuart_f84a.txt
    7.9 KB · Views: 619

Sorry, but this file is nothing to do with me, it has been generated using the disassembler included in my PIC programmer software - which is why it includes my name in the line above.

What version of MPASM are you using?, one that's too old might not cover the 16F84A - the only way to get a recent MPASM version is to download MPLAB.
thanks anyway.

The version of MPASM is one I just dl'd from Microchip.com. But thanks anyway. Maybe I can get some help elsewhere.
if you downloaded mpasm standalone then it's bound to be very old.
you need to download MPLAB IDE these days, wich included a new MPASM.
Re: thanks anyway.

Chilly said:
The version of MPASM is one I just dl'd from Microchip.com. But thanks anyway. Maybe I can get some help elsewhere.

As I said above, and Exo has just said, the only way to get a recent version of MPASM is to download MPLAB - MicroChip haven't provided a seperate version for MANY years!.
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