PIC programmer circuit critique

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I designed a simple PIC programmer circuit that I plan to make permanent on a PCB. I figured before I commit, I should ask for a critique of the circuit. I'm fairly new at circuit design, so I might have redundant/unnecessary components. Or maybe less-than-optimal capacitor values or something. Any pointers would be appreciated.



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Have you tested it, and does it work? What software is required to program a PIC with this?

Yes and yes. I have a program I wrote in c++ that controls the parallel port. Everything seems to work well (I've had many successful programming attempts), I just want to make sure my circuit is optimal and free of any sneaky "gotchas".

I'm an idiot and just realized I connected Vdd and Vss wrong in my schematic. Rest assured my actual circuit has these correct.

Some specifics I should probably point out:
-The inverter reverses all logic, so obviously my programming code does everything in the opposite logic.
-Pin 4 of the parallel port controls Vdd. I did this so I can control power to the PIC (and then MCLR) in case the INTRC is running in the PIC.
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In which case your drawing is presumably incorrect?, as you have Vdd connecrted to ground.
I'll fix the schematic when I get home and repost. In the mean time, pin 12 of the inverter goes to Vdd on the PIC and Vss goes to GND. That's what I have (I promise) on my actual circuit.

Anything else stand out?
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