pic programmer ckt needed

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hi friends
can some one please provide me with pic 16f72 programmers simple circuit.
thanks for replying,the circuit u sent is quit ineteresting,please tell me which software to use for this ckt.
garg29 said:
thanks for replying,the circuit u sent is quit ineteresting,please tell me which software to use for this ckt.

You can use mine, WinPicprog, or IC-Prog.
Dear Sir,
I'm trying to make PIC PROGRAMMER cicruit for PIC16F72. I refered to the programmer designed by you, "P16PRO40". The hardware uses "WinPicProg" software which dosen't support PIC16F72 as given on
"Supported Chips" page. But "IC-prog" software supports the PIC16F72. Will the hardware of P16PRO40 be able to program PIC16F72 IC. and will i have to use "ic-prog" software.

Thanking you in anticipation,

Amit garg

Yes, IC-Prog works fine with the P16PRO40, and supports a larger range of chips than mine does.
hi nigel ,
i tried to built the p16pro programmer and was using ic-prog to programme pic16f84 .can u please tell me in ic-prog->settings->hardware which programmer should i select. i tried selecting picpro but it did not work and also in icprog->view->device position the 16f84 is placed on the top side of ZIF CONNECTOR ,which is opposite of what is described in the programmer circuit.

In IC-Prog you select "ProPic 2".

I would suggest you place the PIC where the hardware says to, the software is only imagining you have identical hardware to that it was written for.
hi nigel,
thanks once again for repying. but i did the same thing as you told and when i choose to program the chip, only one red led blinks with green one, and at the end, the message comes, "VERIFICATION FAILED !"......please help me sir.
I can only suggest you try using WinPicProg, just so you can perform hardware checks. WinPicProg has a Hardware menu option, this allows you to manually set the IN and OUT pins, plus manually toggling them. By using these buttons you can very easily perform static voltage checks with a meter. By doing this you can confirm your hardware is wired correctly, and that you've got the chip in the correct place.
Hi all,

Can anyone here show me a simple program or any program to me?
I'm using this chipset, but I dunno how to trigger the analogue inputs, as well as the countdown timer for this.

Please help. Best if provide an appropriate sample of program set.
Thanks in advance...

Check my tutorials!, which will help with most of your queries!.
Amit garg,

Here is the hardware setting for P16PRO40 with 74LS06 in IC-Prog...

IC-Prog does support testing hardware...

If you wired your P16PRO40 programming sockets exactly as in the P16PRO40 schematic, you cannot use the ProPic 2 socket patterns shown in IC-Prog "Device Position"...

Good luck... Regards, Mike


  • ic-prog_screen_shots.jpg
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Hi there, thanks for showimg me the site. But it's a site about PIC17F877, are those info from the site are applicable to 16F72?
If u're kind enough, can u show me how to initiate the command instruction specifically for PIC16F72?
FYI, I'm doing a sch project of monitoring an analogue input with a preset value, & trigger an output when the status meets.
BTW, I don't see any site discussing on the timer. Can u show me again (if there is). Thanks & sorry for all the trouble caused.
Question 1) How to get analogue inputs into micro-controller
Question 2) How to use a timer to repeat a loop after a certain of time (such as 1 hour+ or so)

Analogue detail:
It's a 28-pin Micro-controller
Has 5 Analogue inputs
A/D capable of 8-bit conversion

Please show me whatever info I needed to know, in order I can complete my task. I do not wish to "buy" the program for my project, but if I really need to do that, I would... but try my best to prevent that to happen!

Read the tutorial! - I'm not going to post it all here!.
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