Also, in TT3.bas I tried adding another waitms 5000 after the LCDOUT "Hey" to make it wait 5 secs before it cleared and everything.
Lcdout "Hey there"
WaitMs 5000
Lcdcmdout LcdClear
However, it skips right over that. It looks at it and just keeps going. I am using the PIC16F628A in the simulator... Does it not support the waiting? Any idea why it's skipping right over?
The E/P works from -40C to +125C and the I/P works from -40C to +85C
The I/P will be OK for you.
A WaitMs of 5000 in a simulator will take for ever!!, make it about 10 or less.
Also add near the top of the program .
Define SIMULATION_WAITMS_VALUE = 1, if you program a PIC make = 0
When writing programs for real PIC devices you will most likely use delay intervals that are comparable to 1 second or 1000 milliseconds.
Many examples in this help file also use such 'real-time' intervals.
But, if you want to simulate those programs you have to be very patient to see something to happen, even on very powerful PCs available today.
For simulation of 'WaitMs 1000' statement on 4MHz you have to wait the simulator to
simulate 1000000 instructions and it will take considerable amount of time even if 'extremely fast' simulation rate is selected.
So, just for the purpose of simulation you should recompile your programs with adjusted delay intervals, that should not exceed 1-10ms.
But, be sure to recompile your program with original delays before you download it to a real device.
There is an easy way to change arguments of all WAITMS statements in a large basic program with a value in the range 1-10 for simulation purposes.
With one line of code setting parameter
with DEFINE directive, the arguments of all WAITMS statements in the program will be ignored and the specified value will be used instead during compiling.
Setting the value 0 (default) for this parameter (or omitting the whole line) will cancel
its effect and the compiled code will be ready again for the real hardware.