Pic simulatoride560_Need Help

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alex le

New Member
Hi everyone!
i need help.i'm student in vietnam. Now i'm praticing about programming PIC basic. i really need PIC simulatoride560 to compile program. can anyone help me?i thank you very much.
besides, i can't write program about interfacing two microcontrols using usart.Circuit is showed asuse language PIC basic or assembler.)

- The variable resistor(VR) connected to PortA.0 of the first PIC16F877.
- PortC.6 of the first PIC16F877 connected to PortC.7 of the second PIC16F877. Then PortB of the second PIC16F877 connected to led.

=>purpose of this design is to use A/D converter of the first PIC16F877 and then transmitt data to the second PIC16F877. The second PIC received and send data to PortB to display.
Hope everyone to help me!!!!!!!!

hi am dinesh from india

i have expertised in mcu ( pic and atmel)

please mail your project in detail so i can help you
What compiling problems are you having? Can you compile your program on another compiler? If so, then you can load the hex file into PIC Simulator IDE and be on your way.

A warning about PIC Simulator. Not all capabilities of 16F877 have been implemented (at least not for my version (5.31)), so if you are really trying to do some fancier stuff then you might run into these problems. e.g. CCP/Timer1 interrupt as far as to my knowledge has not been implemented yet. This was just one of several capabilities that I found a problem with.
(From reading the development text file, I assume the same holds for 5.6 as there were only references to updates of simulator interface, Basic and LCD module.)
Need PIC simulatoride560_full !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now,With me,Compiling program is really a big problem. Because following me, Basic language have many kinds such as Mbasic, Visual basic, Hbasic, Qbasic...etc. Every basic language is very different.So one basic need one compiler program.
With Basic language I use, it can only compile by PIC simulatoride. This software I can only use 30 times.It is a demo part. If you have PIC simulatoride560, can you share me?
Thank you for your reply.
Alex Le
Hi dinesh!
I sent you my mail and my project.
Haven't you receive my mail and project yet?
Thank you for your reply
Alex Le
give help to you

sorry everybody if you can't find the useful info here.
to alex le: I am Vietnamese living in Saigon now.
You can email me on this problem that you met. I will help you out. Call me Tha'i. email me at wonbinbk@gmail.com
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