PIC Start Time Problem - PIC 16F628A

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Active Member
Hi all I have a doubt in 628A. I have put an earlier thread regarding a power supply reset problem that I solved.

This time my PIC when power up it takes time to start up.
I have connected two seven segments in to PORTB running in multiplex mode.

I have noticed after a 1 minutes time after power up, the two segments blinking & the rate is increasing step by step. After it’s reaching to its calculated multiplex delay rate (no flickering displaying) works fine.

Why it’s increasing the flickering rate.
My coding is right fuse settings I have changed about 100 times.
I changed the crystal.
I have a smooth power supply.

But no progress after power up segments won’t work immediately. After sometimes its display rate is increasing and working.

Why is this I think a problem with the PIC.
I suspect a firmware problem with initialization. This problem resolves itself after going through a long process of getting certain variables to a stable condition.

What you have is a question, not a doubt. This linguistic mistake keeps showing up and I'm going to keep pointing it out every time I see it. You have a question when you don't know the answer. You have a doubt, when you know the answer, but there is some uncertainty in your conviction.
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Its a doubt.

He is thinking(or believe) that reason of the problem is the PIC, not his "My code is right" mentality.
I'm with PB, I think it's software related. Try clearing all memory. If that doesn't work try writing 1 to all memory, then 255. Once you find the value that fixes the problem then work out why.

Edit, To clear/write to memory you should use a loop with indirect addressing. If you can't do that then write a few of your variables at a time until you find the culprit.
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Bear in mind though, this idea isn't a 'cure all', it merely helps to cover up bad programming in the first place - you should always initialise all GPR's before you use them, or at least before you read them.
Nigel Goodwin said:
Bear in mind though, this idea isn't a 'cure all', it merely helps to cover up bad programming in the first place - you should always initialise all GPR's before you use them, or at least before you read them.

That's why I said "then work out why".

Hi thanks for your suggestions.

I initialize all the GP resistors.But I cleared most of the registers.But I didn't clear the delay registers (registers used for delays - d1,d2,d3,d4). I must give try to clear all my registers.

Also my program is long for 1500 lines.

If no fix I'll try to post the code.

Thanks a a lot.
eblc1388 said:
Its a doubt.

He is thinking(or believe) that reason of the problem is the PIC, not his "My code is right" mentality.
So is it correct to ask a doubt?
If I have a doubt about where I am, do I ask a passerby a question in order to lessen my doubt?

Pommie said:
If I have a doubt about where I am, do I ask a passerby a question in order to lessen my doubt?

A typical antipodal answer....er I guess that was a question about a doubt. Without a doubt.
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