Pic Switches

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New Member
Hi, i have come across a load (2000+) of what i think are called pic switches. I think they may have been used in the back of toys years ago. The switch has four positions. Does anyone know what they are, what they are used for and whether they are still of any use to anyone or should i just throw them all away? Cheers in advance


  • CIMG0824.JPG
    1.8 MB · Views: 179
The picture is on the blurry side. I would not toss them. If you can ID them you could try selling them in lots on ebay if you are up to that. Sometimes that works others it it more work then it is worth.
I have no idea what they are, electronics are not my thing. I'll try and get a better pic posted up if you could help identify them for me?
I have no idea what they are, electronics are not my thing. I'll try and get a better pic posted up if you could help identify them for me?

Try to find the numbers on the switch. They are the only real way to id them.
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