PIC Tetris

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Active Member
Hey guys,

Just want to show off a project my friend made that I'm hosting on my website

**broken link removed**

It's tetris with made from just 1 PIC

now thats cool dude!!! great job!!! i went to the wireless page and didnt get to read it much yet but where did you get the transmitter and receiver

cool proyect
but a lot of hardware xD im too lazzy to try it

check this one
YouTube - TETRIS CON PIC 16F 84A

its in spanish but u can see how it works
i tried this once when i was in 6th semester for a final proyect of instrumentation
but i couldt send the right rca signals xD just got random lines
so i loaded the code for the pic that was on internet (just like the video guys did ¬¬) and t worked pretty well =)
I got the RX and TX from Sparkfun!

My friend will be creating the schematic shortly, if it's urgent I can get you the code
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My friend will be creating the schematic shortly, if it's urgent I can get you the code
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