PIC - text strings into program memory

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New Member
i'm using MPLAB, chip 16F84

i want to put some standard text into the program memory, so if someone reads the code it has "copyright Mr B" in it wots the command, i tried :-

dw "this is some text", but every odd character is replaced by a dot e.g. ".h.s.i. .o.e.t.x."

i dont think i'm either using the right command, or my syntax is incorrect. anyone know how to fix it?

The command to do this is dt

dt "My message",0 for example

This will be replaced by a series of retlw instructions to create a lookup table
RETLW 'm' .......
i treid that just now -

dt "arse"

and it does the RETLW thing, but in hex all the text is still garbled :S
is there no way of doing it so all the memory uses my text, not half a block at a word at a time which is happenign now -

hex code is now 3461 3472 3473 - 4a4r4s <- i want arse not 4a4r4s etc.

you NEED the retlw thing :?

How else are you going to extract the text from the program memory without RETLW??

Guy, you got some weird fetish hahahah

retlw 63h, 6fh, 70h, 79h, 72h, 69h, 67h, 68h, 74h, 0h, 4dh, 52h, 0h, 42h, 0h

ok, this comment i'm putting in, it does not need to be accessed by the CPU, it's not used at all in the processing, i just want some text in there so if someone de-compiles my code, they are presented with a rude message

lol, if somebody wants to understand your code they should ask the source.

Stupid way of wasting scarse pic memory if you ask me :?
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