PIC to Insteon

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I have been working on having a PIC control an Insteon home control network. I have made some progress. By using a Power-Linc Modem (serial) I can 'inject' Hex strings into the command and control network and turn lights and such on and off using a PIC. The Power-Linc Modem communicates at 19200 baud, and running a pic at 4mhz this can be achieved like so:
  INCLUDE "modedefs.bas"
  include "ALLDIGITAL.pbp"
  OSCCON =$60 'clock speed
  serout2 PortB.1,32, [$02,$62,$1A,$8D,$A0,$05,$11,$FF]  'On

I need to find out how to control devices embedded into Insteon Scenes.
Anyone else doing any of this?
are you using picbasic or picbasicpro?
What pin are you sending data to the modem?
.........What pin is data and ground?
Using PBP, PortB.1 is the 'Data' pin I am using on an 18F1320. Gnd is pin 5 of the DB-9.

Using a TTL to RS-232 adapter, then a null modem, then the PowerLinc.

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Pinout? I was asking because the manual I downloaded shows the serial port having Serial in (TTL) and serial in (RS232). Same for serial out (TTL and RS232) I just wanted to check which you are using. Probably your device is different.

You can test your RS232 by plugging into you PC and us a terminal program to look at what the PIC is sending.
You can test your RS232 by plugging into you PC and us a terminal program to look at what the PIC is sending.

That is how I was able to see when I got the right serial protocol, by comparing what they sent and what I was sending.
Update: what I have found is, using the Insteon My ISY you set up the scenes and devices; basically programming the Power Line Modem (PLM) with the home control devices you choose. Then, in the Universal Devices Admin Console you can view Device Communication Events (Tools > Diagnostics > Event Viewer > 3. Device communication events) to capture the correct Hex string you can use in your own micro-controller program.
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