Pic to max232 to PC

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New Member
I'm trying to get a Pic to send a serial "Hello world" to my pc using Hyperterm, But not having any luck! Do I have the MAX232 wired right?



  • 232.jpeg
    16.5 KB · Views: 1,198
My success with MAX232 has been a little limited lately, but I noticed the T2OUT line is tied to the serieal port in the diagram. The TTL signals on this line are probably falling under RS-232's noise margin and be rejected by the PC. But quote me on that, because I'm no expert on RS-232. signaling.

Good luck on the circuit! And let us know how it goes. (I'm trying to do something like this soon too).
pic to rs232

have a look at this demo bord....
u can goto google and just type picmicro+rs232 and u can find more info.


  • pic_hi-tech_c_mike_pearces_demo_board.jpg
    171.6 KB · Views: 1,058
Try taking the RS-232 out of the circuit and see if its your software or the chip. Use a 22K resistor between your input pin on the pic and pin 3(if your using a 9 pin connector) of your connector and a 1K resistor between your output pin on the pic and pin 2 of your connector.

Ive had better luck with hyper-terminal communications not using a rs-232 myself.
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