PIC to PIC over rs232

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New Member
Hi guys,

I have some experience in PIC programming. Simple projects and such. However I dont know where to start on this one.

I want to let one PIC communicate to another over rs232. Without the use of I2C. How can i do this? I dont know where to start. The communication would consist of simple commands sent from one to another and the reciever ack'ing the command, or asking for resend.


You havnt said which PIC you are using.
For a mid range PIC, Uart /TX to /RX and vice versa for a distance of a few feet.
You havnt said which PIC you are using.
For a mid range PIC, Uart /TX to /RX and vice versa for a distance of a few feet.

Its going to be a 16F628. Sorry for forgetting to put it down. So its just connecting tx to rx and vice versa, and just letting them wait for data to be sent on either one of them.
Its going to be a 16F628. Sorry for forgetting to put it down. So its just connecting tx to rx and vice versa, and just letting them wait for data to be sent on either one of them.

I would use an interrupt routine on the /RX input line. Save the trouble of polling the RX reg.
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