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I need (actually wont) to make a led display with 9x40 duo led ( so that makes 360x2 (cause its a duo so 2 connectors) and that ads up to 720 channels) and wont to have every led on a different channel so i was thinking on using port expanders but with them i still need 90 pic channels so I found this:

PIC24FJ96GA010 pdf, PIC24FJ96GA010 description, PIC24FJ96GA010 datasheets, PIC24FJ96GA010 view ::: ALLDATASHEET :::

now because I only have experience with up to 40dip pics I was wondering on a few things

first how do you program it because its a 4sided chip and most programers argent made for that
then i dont know does it require some special programing or like any oder pic

than how to power it up I guess i need to make a special pcb but have now idea on other stuff like power supply ,resistors , crystals condensers etc.

Thanks for all your help
and any other pic suggestion is welcomed

Think you first need to work out the current of all those leds.

While most 40 pin pics can handle up to 25 ma per i/o pin there is also a max current per chip of about 250ma.

Many of the Pic24s and above can only handle up to 25ma on a few of their i/o pins, many only being low current drives of 5ma or less. - see the datasheets for exact details.
than how to power it up I guess i need to make a special pcb but have now idea on other stuff like power supply ,resistors , crystals condensers etc.

Well, use ICSP programming to program it. You'll find plenty sites using ICSP programming. That is easy if you have the programmer. I assume you're from Southeast Asia? Then Cytron has some good ones.

BTW, it's not crystal condensers, it's oscillator.
I assume you're from Southeast Asia?

condensers, it's oscillator.

I'm from Europe (Serbia to be exact)

Done some reading on the net so I think I will stick on some less complicated pics
just synchronize I ,don't know 3-4 of them, and thats that

This pics look just a bit complicated for me
interesting. coz laki means man in our country.
U can start with PIC16F877A. They have lots of examples.
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