Pic12f clc

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Well-Known Member
Ok im stuck , anyone have any thoughts on how to implement this on a PIC12F with CLC...

Either box will do...

A PIC12LF1501 for example
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My god that looks confusing..... I didn't even know they had this on pics....

Mike.... CLC... Configurable Logic Cells....
If I understand the drawing correctly, I think it can be done easily without the CLC, so I assume AtomSoft wants the speed of CLC. It must be a fairly new enhancement, as the 16F1519 doesn't have it.

Jason, if you just want a software (MPASM) solution that doesn't use CLC, let us know.

I know how to do in code like c but i need speed... In code its super simple .. You are going to laugh

If in1 & in2 then
Out1= is high

If in1 =1 & in2= low
then out2 = high
I could also use a and or solution..

If in1 = 1 then
If in2 = 1 then
Out1 = 1
Out2 = 1
I Realized... If this was verolog... I would have no issue doing it lol even vhdl is simpler.

I guess they had the right idea but the wrong implementation.
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