PIC16C54 Does any one have Simple programmer for this Chip

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Have the Picstart PlusB.

Can give it for free but you should pay your ticket to my place )
Hi Agustín Tomás,

Nice Joke sir

From Srilanka to Argentina-- for a programmer. fine sir

perhaps you can help him make a programmer sitting at his home and with your support thro internet and this great forum electro-tech-online
mvs sarma said:
Hi Agustín Tomás,

Nice Joke sir

From Srilanka to Argentina-- for a programmer. fine sir

perhaps you can help him make a programmer sitting at his home and with your support thro internet and this great forum electro-tech-online

Ya Ya Thats grate
pasanlaksiri said:
Hey my cct is not working properly. After I power up ( 2.4V )all the segments r going mad. I cant explain that.

you can always explain- like the 'a,b,c,d,...g' segments glowing ina sequecnce didigit after digit etc-

- see the manufacturing self test explined in 00615 document

try giving 5volts then - if possible increase sigment resistors to 100 ohms at 5volts
then try and record your observations
pasanlaksiri said:
Hey my cct is not working properly. After I power up ( 2.4V )all the segments r going mad. I cant explain that.

did you try with 5V. perhaps you may have to put 1K series resistor with crystal as otherwise it will get overloaded.

i have put the working clock photos for your appreciation and you can make it also work. please check loose connections if solderless bredboard. dry joints if soldered on general purpose board.
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