PIC16C54 to PIC16F54

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New Member
Hi to all users of this website!

I am very new to this work and yes, I realise a little knowledge is more dangerous than none!

I am currently trying to copy a programme from a PIC16C54 chip to a PIC16F54. I have a Needham's EMP-11 with version 1.6 software (last version before they ceased to exist). I do realise both these types are pretty ancient, but they do a simple job of switching relays for automotive use.

The problem I am having is the 16F54 is not on the Needhams software. I can read the verified 16C54 chip no problems & save the info. However I really need to program a chip using data from the original & plug in to a PCB to get the thing working, and wonder if anyone can advise on:

1. Is the 16F54 a good replacement, or can you advise on another that will program ok (others are listed in the Needham's software so if it is on the list & compatible I can source one of those instead). It does need to be same pin configuration.

2. Am I right in assuming I can simply read the original C type chip, save to buffer, then write to a suitable F type chip.

3. The fault with the PCB is simply the command side of things isn't working. I can't fault any of the components or PCB, so am assuming it is probably due to a problem with the PIC16C54. Is it possible that this can fail, but still allow the memory to be read with no errors?

I have a PIC Kit2 on order and so should have a more up to date & supported piece of hardware very soon so that may also help me.

Many thanks for any advice you can give.
Microchip have a migration document available.

If you can read the chip and get code that looks correct you may be able to use it in a 16F54 but you would have to manually set the configuration bits in the programmer. Note that the data you read back from the chip may be scrambled if code protection is turned on. Do you have access to the source code or a hex file?

Unfortunately that isn't pic code and wont work. Unless you have the source code or a proper hex file you wont be able to make a working pic chip.

Do you have any more information about the function of the chip. From the text file above it looks like the code is only 300 words long.


Oops that was the .txt saved file from the needham's software. I do have a HEX file but can't upload it directly due to upload restrictions - I could PM it to you if that is ok, or PM a link if that is ok with you so you can see it?

Cheers, Mark
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Oops that was the .txt saved file from the needham's software. I do have a HEX file but can't upload it directly due to upload restrictions - I could PM it to you if that is ok, or PM a link if that is ok with you so you can see it?

It's the source code you need, not the HEX code - which you could easily post anyway by either altering it's filename to .txt, by zipping it, or by cut and pasting it inside code tags.

I've no idea if the F and C are 100% compatible for the HEX file, but this isn't usually the case, you normally require access to the source code and reassemble it (with possible minor changes).
Thanks Nigel, ok here is the hex code proper: View attachment 16c54.txt

I thought this may be the case anyway, as you can see I'm new to all of this. However if so I will need to learn how to program this so I can get it working, basically it's fitted inot a PCB part that's no longer produced, and if I can repair it by fitting a new chip it will be very satisfying!

May take me a couple of years though as my knowledge is limited to Basic & DOS programming, I'm old school by today's terms!

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