PIC16F628 and EXTERNAL eeprom

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New Member
Hi, i'm italian and i'm a new user of this forum.
I'm a problem in interfacing a 16F628 and a 24LC02 eeprom.
I use the attached routine but it don't work!! I wired the SCL and SDA pins with the RB0 and RB1 pin of the pic (SDA with the pull-up 10k resistor) and in the routine you ca see my defines of pins. When i lanch the pogram the routine:
char I2C_Send(char Address,char *Data,char Num);

(with address = 0, data = pointer to char, num = 1)
it returns 1 but the eeprom is still empty!!
Anyone can help me?!?!?!
thank you.

(sorry for my bad english!! )


  • ms_i2c.c
    11.2 KB · Views: 270
what compiler are you using?
We used CCS-PIC in my microcontrollers class, it was full of bugs and whatnot. I tried playing around with I2c communication on my own but I couldnt seem to get it to work.
So maybe it is a compiler problem?
I use HI TECH PICCLITE and C language.
The compiler works, i don't have compilation errors.... I'm sure that routine return 1 (OK) because I tested it through a LED, but my eeprom is still empty...
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