pic16f84 & bluetooth

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New Member
I was thinking if I can relate bluetooth device with pic16f84A, like contorlling a pic through a luetooth or vice versa.
Oh God, even Albert knew that! And so many years before....!

Now you can see that he knew a lot about time....
atferrari said:
Oh God, even Albert knew that! And so many years before....!

Now you can see that he knew a lot about time....

No, it's just been obselete for so long!
Dammit you all bet me to it. As for Albert, we was actually moments away from a major discovery.

**broken link removed**
HALUR! its Easier to program if Ul teach me other Microcontroller then maybe I can change. PIC16f628 is also available here. Anyways, I am having my study and I want to deal with microcontrollers or anything about sofwares. Hehehehe
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