pic16f84 cct

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New Member

can anybody tell me where i can find a schematic with a circuit for the pic16f84, especially with regards to the power supply and oscillator? i've had a look at the datasheet and searched google but with no luck.

trailrider said:
can anybody tell me where i can find a schematic with a circuit for the pic16f84, especially with regards to the power supply and oscillator? i've had a look at the datasheet and searched google but with no luck.

I would suggest dumping the obselete 16F84, and using it's cheaper, higher spec, replacement the 16F628 - one big advantage is an internal 4MHz oscillator - you can find plans in my tutorials. You also try the 16F819, this is essentially similar to the 16F628, but includes A2D as well.
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