pic16f84 help needed

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New Member
i am trying to use pic16f84 but can'nt do so . please some one help me i have created uJDM programmer which is successfully writing hex file in pic. but when i put pic in circuit (e.g led flasher ) it do'nt work. please help me.
yokivo (yokivo(at)yahoo(dot)com)
I don't think too many people will be able to help you with the information provided.

Try posting your code and if you don't have schematics, post how you have your circuit wired (ie. what ports and pins go to what).
As Kyle-s4h said, post your .ASM code and schematic. Then we at least have a chance to help with your problem.
If there is no PIC in the programmer also some software’s verify success after programming. But actually there was no any PIC in the programmer.

Single transistor uJDM programmer well working with the 84A PIC. Better post the coding as earlier mentioned. So we can determine which is wrong.
Haha, that's crap software
Luckily the software I use doesn't. I won't show verify or programming success if there is no PIC But it shows erase completed even there is no PIC.
I seldom use the erase button because I've set it to auto erase before programming.
Ok here is asm and schematic i used please tell me if i have some problem with it. thanks in advance.

;Assembly code for PIC16F84 micro controller
;Blinks LED's on the outputs in a rotating pattern.
;With 75khz osc, each LED stays on half a second.
;CPU configuration
; (its a 16F84,RC Oscillator, watchdog timer off, power-up timer on)
processor 16f84
include <p16f84.inc>
;Declare variables at 2 memory locations.
J equ H'1F' ;J=Address hex 1F
K equ H'1E' ;K=Address hex 1E
org 0 ;start at address 0
;Set port B as output and initialize it
movlw B'00000000' ;w : =00000000 binary
tris PORTB ;port B ctrl register := w
movlw B'00000001' ;w := 00000001 binary
movwf PORTB ;port B itself := w
;Rotate the bits of port B leftward
mloop: rlf PORTB,f
;Waste some time by executing nested loops.
movlw D'50' ;w := 50 decimal
movwf J ;J :=w
jloop: movwf K ;K :=w
kloop: decfsz J,f ;J = J -1, skip next if zero
goto kloop
decsz J,f ;J = J - 1, skip next if zero
goto jloop
;Do it all again
goto mloop

**broken link removed**
After _config line apply this coding & see but its better use 4.7K resister & 22pf capacitor in your RC oscillator.

	org	0x0000
	clrf	TRISA
	clrf	TRISB
	clrf	PORTB
	clrf	1Fh
	clrf	1Eh

Main	bcf	STATUS,C
	movlw	b'00000001'
	movwf	PORTB
	call	DELAY
	rlf	PORTB,f
	call	DELAY
	btfss	STATUS,C
	goto	$-3
	goto	Main

DELAY	decfsz	1Fh,f
	goto	$-1
	decfsz	1Eh,f
	goto	$-3

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