pic16f84 programmer schematic needed!

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New Member
hello mates...im looking for a pic16f84 programmer schematic. pic16f84 ic only that is connected to serial port....plz help me......
williB said:
hello amp ,
check out nigel's site i'm sure he has a few on there.

I only have parallel port programmers, I don't consider serial port ones reliable enough.

What I would say, if you only have a serial port (so can't use a parallel port programmer) go for a more expensive one - a 'proper' serial port programmer that has a processor on board. These work fine, but obviously cost more - the cheap 'serial' port programmers don't actually use the serial port at all, just some of it's handshake lines, they usually rely on the handshake lines been above RS232 specification, so only work on some computers.

It's a JDM programmer, they don't do 100% - it's entirely dependent on your particular computer's serial port being above the RS232 standard - if it isn't, it won't work!.

But it's very simple and cheap to build, give it a try and see if it works on yours? - although if you have a laptop I wouldn't bother!.
I have built this programmer and I can only say for myself that it is working for me 100% on my desktop. I have not had any problems with it. I built it approx a year ago and it is still running fine. As Nigel stated I wouldn't try it with a laptop. RS232 voltages are low on the laptops.

Just ensure that your voltages are high enough on the desktop to use it.
I think you need at least 13 V (+ and -) to run it.

oh yeah...at last i have now a serial pic16f84 programmer that is running 101%....many tnx, beefer3.......ur da best....
Gundam82 said:
HELOO all............. the programmer for PIC16F84 is that can be also use for PIC16F84A>??????

Yes, but beware,the JDM does NOT work on all PC's.I have built one and it works fine on my PC at work,"BUT" I have also built the OziPic'er on Nigel's site and to be VERY honest I prefer the OziPic'er.
At the end of the day,at a "LITTLE" extra cost you would be much better off.

Good Luck
do a google search for picblaster or umm something like that maybe theres a space in there. i was looking for one a while back before i got my good one and it was a programmer only for the 1684s. not much too it at all. it can be built from scraps youd probably have lying around. if not go to radio shack they have everything for it.
Re: uJDM Programmer

amady said:
I was use the programmer but it won't work...

I was try RCD Programmer and it work now with my ICPROG...

**broken link removed**

and i also built this multichip programmer and also it work!

**broken link removed**

Both programmer work on serial port... but make sure your serial port is enabled in bios setup...
hi guys!, my desktop does not have serial port on my motherboard, im looking for any pic programmer that will run using usb to rs232 cable do any one among you have try this one and make it run?, can you give me the schematic? TIA!..
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